Our Committee Honour comprises of Prominent Individuals that Represent our values in their Respective Fields- Cultural, Theatrical, Performing Arts, Art Decoratifs, Métiers d’Art, Lawyers, Architects, Cultural Advisors, Curators, Industry Leaders, Institutions and Federal Bodies, and Industries Helping in Shaping our Current Society to a Better, Promising & Enriched Future in Multidisciplinary Dimensions of Cultural Heritage and Peace.

Werner Adriaenssens

Professor, Curator Collections of 20th Century, Museum of Art History Cinquantenaire

Rudy Aernoudt

Head of Cabinet of the EESC 2013-2015 Philosopher& Economist, Writer, Politician,Chief of staff (director of cabinet) Ministers of Economy & Innovation in Flanders & in Wallonia, Minister of Economics & Scientific Policy & President of the European Economic & Social Committee, Henri Malosse Head of Cabinet at the European, Belgian, Walloon & Flemish levelsProfessor, University of Ghent & Nancy

Francoise Aubry

Writer, Director, Museum Horta (Year 1981-2018)

Stephane Bern

Journalist, Writer, Producer, Actor Tv & Radio Presenter, Entrusted by French President with a mission on Heritage founder of Stephane Bern foundation

Baron Bernard de Gerlache de Gomery

President of Malta Belgium International Aid (MBI) President of Association Royal Demeures Historiques Governor of European House Association Administrator of Musée Gaumais Administrator for Center of Researches and Expertise in Central Africa(CREAC)

Jean-Pierre Buyle

Lawyer Ex Dean of the Bar of Brussels & President of the Bar of Francophone and Germanophone of Belgium. Founder of Fondation Poelaert & Administrator of Quartier des Arts.

William Dalrymple

Writer, Historian Curator, Photographer, Broadcaster and Critic. Co-founder and Co-director of the annual Jaipur Literature Festival

Ambassador Patrick De Beyter

advisor to the Chilean lithium industry. He was successively Ambassador of Belgium in Cuba,India,Nepal, Bangladesh,Sri Lanka, and Maldives, Tunisia and Chile. Chairman of the National Security Authority of Belgium and worked as a researcher for the Brussels University (VUB) and Fabrimetal (now AGORIA).

Elise Dubreuil

Conservatrice , Musee D’Orsay

Prince Charles-Adrien de Merode

Editor, Managing Director of la Fondation Merode-Rixensart, President of the NextGen within the Association Royale des Demeures Historiques et Jardins de Belgique

Antonio De Mello

President European Historic Houses Portugal

Princess Esmeralda

of Belgium journalist and writer, Activist for Ecology and Women's rights.

Her Highness Maharani Radhikaraje Gaekwad

Maharani of Baroda, India

Shivajirao Gaekwar

Deputy Director & Specialist, Modern and Contemporary Art, Sotheby’s

Richard Geoffroy

Onologue Dom Pérignon, Group LVMH Founder of Iwa Sake 5, Dom Pérignon, Group LVMH

Mehroo Jeejeebhoy

Founder Trustee of the Mehli Mehta Music Foundation based in Mumbai. The Foundation is named after the father of Maestro Zubin Mehta

Pick Keobandith

PhD in Art History, expert in art and cultural diplomacy, founder and director of Inspiring Culture Editor in Chief of Target Global magazine (Arts and Culture)

Francis Metzger

Architect and Professor at Faculté d'architecture de l'Université libre de Bruxelles

François Michaud

Conservateur, Fondation Louis Vuitton. Conservateur Musée d'Art moderne de la Ville de Paris pendant 20 ans

Francesca Moncada

Founder and President of the cultural creative enterprise Le Dimore del Quartetto & President of Comitato of AMUR, a network of the major Italian concert societies. Council member of Europa Nostra, Gioventù Musicale d’Italia and Associazione Piero Farulli, Ambassador Alliance Member of the Design Foundation for Women and Crafts of Lisbon.

Joan Olona

Architectural Technologist, PhD of Technology in Architecture at Restauration Associate Lecturer at the UPC and ETSALS at BCN. awarded in Europa Nostra 2022 in Torre Aigues Besós Restoration, Barcelona City Award at Ca l’Aranyó, and Architectural Heritage Intervention 2022 on Restoration of Casa Batlló by Antoni Gaudí.

Amina Okada

Conservateur général ‑ Section Inde, Musée Guimet Paris

Baron Philippe Vlerick

Chairman of Belgo-Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries and Founder of Vlerick Group, BOD of KBC Group

Marella Rossi Mosseri

Owner of Art Link, Galerie Avenue. Expert in 18th Century Art & Furniture

Anita Sharif-Hyder

Senior Associate Secretary | UWC Yale University

Benjamin Zurstrassen

Director, Museum Horta Professor and Lecturer President of Réseau Art Nouveau Network



37, Rue Lebeau, Sablon
1000 Brussels

+32 (0) 2 33 04 79 6